Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Chinese Population And Its Effect On China - 1700 Words

If â€Å"democracy† is a term that sounds so familiar to many Western countries, the concept, on the other hand, does not adhere a same value in developing countries, especially for China. In fact, Chinese population is heavily under the effect of democratization resistance for many reasons, including but not limit to (1) the government’s own definition and version of democracy (2) Chinese’s long historical factors and unique cultures, (3) different political philosophy and (4) whether is developed or still developing status. With the growth of globalization, the concept of democratization has been encouraged and discouraged in many ways. Unlike many nations, China is a country with at least 5000-year-long civilization, a long rich history with†¦show more content†¦However, Chinese government is lack of those conditions to become a democracy. First, China defined its own version of democracy, which is called socialist democracy or â€Å"with Chinese characteristics† (Green Luehrmann, 2011, p. 337). In China, apart from the Communist Party of China, there are eight different political parties called democratic parties, which were mostly founded during the anti-Japanese war and the national liberation war (crienglish.com, 2014). These parties, however, do not involve with ruling party in China, but rather only participate in the discussion and administration of the State affairs. In the contrary to how China claims to have its own democracy version, there is a government hierarchy of executive power in China, in which the authoritarians have justified their centralization of power as a way to secure their countries from collapse. (Green Luehrmann, 2011, p. 339) In other word, such government is described as â€Å"personalist regimes†, which means that there is such a consolidation of power in the hands of on e individual that this leader comes to personify the nation (Green Luehrmann, 2011, p. 340). For example, China’s prime minister Wen Jiaobao, also known as â€Å"Grandpa Wen† or â€Å" the crying prime minister† has established his symbol as â€Å"rescuers at

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